HB. Habitats and biotopes
Spatial Dataset
Metadata: Data on Valuable Habitats of the Estonia
Metadata: Inventoried Habitats of Estonia
Metadata: Modeled spread of Estonian Habitats Directive habitats
Metadata: Modeled habitat types of the Estonian Marine Strategy Framework Directive
View Service (WMS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Valuable habitats of Estonia (WMS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Inventoried Habitats of Estonia - semi-natural coenoses (WMS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Modeled spread of Estonian Habitats Directive habitats (WMS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Modeled habitat types of the Estonian Marine Strategy Framework Directive (WMS)
Download Service (WFS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Valuable habitats of Estonia (WFS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Inventoried Habitats of Estonia - semi-natural coenoses (WFS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Modeled spread of Estonian Habitats Directive habitats (WFS)
Service metadata: INSPIRE (HB) - Modeled habitat types of the Estonian Marine Strategy Framework Directive (WFS)